The Lawrenceville-Duluth (GA) Alumni Chapter (LDAC) was chartered on March 7, 2008. The
chapter's focal point was to embody the interests of the fraternity for the northeast metro portion of the greater Atlanta area. The chapter came into reality due to the visualization of forty four ingenious brothers. These forty four brothers were:
Gary Bailey |
Heven Ford, Jr. |
Curtis LeBlanc |
Dolon Silimon |
Charles Barker, Sr. |
Andrew Foster |
Bob Livingston |
B. Keith Simms |
Terrence Caldwell |
Bobby Frazier |
Arthur C. Lusby |
Odell Taylor, Jr. |
Malvin Carr |
Kenneth Haynes |
Stewart McCall |
Charles Thomas |
Phil Clancy |
Benjamin Holmes |
Raymond McDougal |
Alfred Turner |
Kimball Credle |
Maurice Horsey |
James McGriff |
Leonardo Tyler |
Adrian Douglass, M.D.
Kahlil Jackson |
Greg Moultrie |
Darryl Walker |
Kim Dula
Derrick Jenkins |
Louis Negron |
David Wheeler |
Lyndon Earley |
C. Douglas Johnson |
Gabriel Parks |
Barian Williams |
Willie Eaton, Jr. |
Rodriquez Johnson |
Ricardo Quinn |
Desota Wilson |
Dwight Flowers |
Steven Jones |
Clayton Seals |
Tim Wright |
With the fast rising growth and development in the northeast metro portion of Atlanta, their also came the need for the presence of men of Kappa Alpha Psi. Kimball Credle recognized this fact and began contacting members throughout the greater Gwinnett area during the summer of 2007. Bob Livingston made arrangements for the initial meetings to be held at Salem Missionary Baptist Church in Lilburn, GA. As Credle kept communication with National and Provincial officers, the members created the chapter name, acting officers, and chapter by-laws (G. Parks, L. Tyler, C. LeBlanc, A. Foster and A. Douglass). C. Douglas Johnson gathered the needed documents and created the petition needed for the formation of the chapter. During this period, the brothers were visited by Jwyanza Nuriddin (Southeastern Province Reclamation/Expansion Chair), G. Paras Griffin (Southeastern Province Keeper of Records), Reginald Baldwin (National Reclamation Committee Co-Chair), Michael Dubose (Decatur (GA) Alumni Chapter) and Thomas Battles (Grand Board of Directors). Subsequently, the Grand Chapter voted in the affirmative on January 31, 2008, to approve the Lawrenceville-Duluth (GA) Alumni Chapter.

Lawrenceville-Duluth Alumni Chapter Receives Charter
The Lawrenceville-Duluth Alumni (GA) Chapter was chartered March 7, 2008. Province Polemarch Solomon S. Bradley presented the charter in a ceremony at the Atlanta Airport Marriott in College Park, GA. Grand Board member Thomas Battles, Past Southeastern Province Polemarch Stanley Pritchett, Jr., Senior Province Vice Polemarch Willie J. (Bill) Heggins, II, Junior Province Vice Polemarch Nikul Parikh, Southeastern Province Reclamation/Expansion Chair Jwyanza Nuriddin and M.A.C.K. (Metropolitan Area Coalition of Kappas) Polemarchs were in attendance. Deputy Chief of Staff, Warren D. Miller, gave closing remarks and read a letter from Grand Polemarch Dwayne M. Murray, Esq. The 44 charter members reside in Gwinnett County, GA (the 44th county established in Georgia). A reception followed the closed ceremony.

Charter officers are: Kimball F. Credle, Polemarch; Gabriel Parks, Vice Polemarch; Andrew C. Foster Jr., Keeper of Records; Raymond McDougal, Assistant Keeper of Records; Darryl Walker, Keeper of Exchequer; Kenneth Haynes, Assistant Keeper of Exchequer; Gary Bailey, Strategus; Bob Livingston, Lieutenant Strategus; Leonardo J. Tyler, Reporter/Historian; Curtis LeBlanc, Parliamentarian and Lyndon Earley, Chaplain. Members of the Board of Directors are Reven Ford, Jr., Arthur C. Lusby, and C. Douglas Johnson.

Charter members are:
Charles Barker, Sr., Terrance Caldwell, Malvin Carr, Phil Clancy, Adrian Douglass, MD, Kim Dula, Willie Eaton, Jr., Dwight Flowers, Bobby Frazier, Benjamin Holmes, Maurice Horsey, Kahlil Jackson, Derrick Jenkins, Rodriquez Johnson, Steven Jones, Stewart McCall, James McGriff, Greg Moultrie, Louis Negron, Ricardo Quinn, Clayton Seals, Dolon Silimon, B. Keith Simms, Odell Taylor, Jr., Charles Thomas, Alfred Turner, David Wheeler, Barian Williams, Desota Wilson and Tim Wright.
Gathers for Sunday Worship Service
On Sunday, January 6, 2008, The Lawrenceville-Duluth Alumni Chapter visited Salem Missionary Baptist Church in Lilburn, GA. Members of LDAC made a visit to the church of Bob Livingston. Polemarch Kimball Credle presented a "Love Offering" to the church as a show appreciation for use of their facilities for monthly chapter meetings. Over 15 brothers and their families were in attendance.
Participates in M.A.C.K. Founder's Day Program
On Saturday, January 12, 2008, The Metropolitan Area Coalition of Kappas (M.A.C.K.) held their annual Founder's Day program. Approximately 283 brothers attended this event. Dekalb County CEO and U.S. Senate Candidate, Vernon Jones, was the Master of Ceremony and Grand Polemarch Dwayne M. Murray was the guest speaker. Grand Polemarch Murray gave an inspiring and thought provoking speech on his vision for Kappa Alpha Psi. One particular point was centered on putting the "Kappa" back into Kappa Alpha Psi. Vice Polemarch C. Douglas Johnson presented $400.00 to Grand Polemarch Murray for the St. Jude Sunday of Hope initiative. Kimball Credle, C. Douglas Johnson, Gabriel Parks, Adrian Douglass and Keith Simms represented the chapter.
Participates in MLK Celebration
On Monday, January 21, 2008, brothers and their families participated in the Annual King Day Celebration presented by the United Ebony Society of Gwinnett County and the Gwinnett County Human Relations Department. Brothers, friends, families and other organizations gathered at the historic County Courthouse in Lawrenceville Square and marched to Central Gwinnett High School for the afternoon program. This was the first year that all counties in Gwinnett officially observed the King Holiday. Participating were C. Douglas Johnson, Leonardo Tyler, Heven Ford, Jr., Arthur Lusby, Curtis LeBlanc, Phil Clancy, Adrian Douglass, Louis Negron, Odell Taylor, Sr., Keith Simms, Ricardo Quinn, Benjamin Holmes, David Wheeler and Kenneth Haynes.
Presents 1st Frat Fridays
On February 22, 2008, the chapter participated in Frat Friday at Encore in Duluth. This event served as the chapter's social event as well as reclamation tool. During the affair, chapter members fellowshipped and invited Kappas to the March meeting. Brothers in attendance were Kimble Credle, Rodriquez Johnson, Ricardo Quinn, Curtis LeBlanc, Bob Livingston, David Wheeler, Phillip Clancy, Sr., Kahlil Jackson, Adrian Douglass, Heven Ford, Jr., Alfred Turner, Bobby Frazier and Leonardo Tyler. Terrence Caldwell organized the event.
Partnership with the A. Worley Brown Boys & Girls Club and Community Center of Gwinnett
On March 171\ 2008, the Lawrenceville-Duluth (GA) Alumni Chapter began its partnership with the A. Worley Brown Boys & Girls Club and Community Center of Gwinnett to provide mentoring support to young men in a program called 'Pathway to Manhood'. Several brothers met with over 20 young men from the ages of 12 - 17 in a discussion on various topics including the importance of education, presenting a proper image, taking personal responsibility and making good choices. The young men were very engaging and responded well to their first meeting with the brothers asking many questions. Special recognition must be given to Brother Phil Clancy who has worked diligently to develop this partnership with the Boys & Girls Club and also procured a large donation of school supplies from Staples to donate to the organization. The chapter will meet monthly with these young men and continue to work towards having a positive impact on the Gwinnett County community. Participating brothers were Phil Clancy, Adrian Douglass, Benjamin Holmes, Curtis LeBlanc, Kenneth Haynes, Will Eaton, Jr., David Wheeler and Stewart McCall.